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  • Xenia’s ribbon cutting ceremony was held in a festive atmosphere

Xenia’s ribbon cutting ceremony was held in a festive atmosphere

With a warm applause and in a festive atmosphere, Xenia’s inaugural ribbon was cut on Saturday, November 24, at 10:30 am, at the presence of a large crowd of people, while it was attend-ed by high-profile officials.

The ribbon of the exhibition, which takes place in the ultra-modern Metropolitan Expo from 24 to 26 November, was cut by the Minister of Tourism, Ms Elena Kountoura, in an atmosphere of excitement and with the cameras of all major TV channels ready to record the leading event for the Greek Tourism Industry. Ms Kountoura stated that “the Ministry of Tourism, the Greek Tourism Organization and I, personally, support high-level exhibitions and actions that promote the extroversion of our tourism product and create bridges for Greek entrepreneurship and new investments in a dynamically growing sector. I would like to congratulate the organizers of Xenia, the exhibitors and all those who have worked for its successful organization, since Xenia brings together hotel businesses with professionals from many other productive sectors in order to promote new and beneficial collaborations, while focusing on quality in the field of hospitality.


Mr. N. Choudalakis (FORUM SA President and CEO), Ms. E. Kourneta (secretary general of Ministry of Tourism), Ms. E. Kountoura (Minister of Tourism), Mr. A. Vassilikos (HCH President) and Mr. T. Gialouris (FORUM SA V. President) just before the opening ceremony.

The leading exhibition for the Tourism Industry

“ Xenia will win this year’s credit for its huge contribution to the boom of Greek tourism.” With this phrase, Mr Nikos Choudalakis, Chairman and CEO of FORUM SA, expressed, right after the opening ceremony, his optimism and conviction that Xenia will also play a key role this year in strengthening Greece’s most precious national product, by mobilizing and providing tools to hoteliers throughout the country to further upgrade their services and climb to the highest positions in the global tourism business.

“Xenia, the trade show-institution for the hotel industry, is expected, with this magnificent event, to expand its allure by reaping once again the rewards for its huge contribution to the growth of Greek tourism,” concluded Mr Choudalakis.

With the full support of all the institutions of the hospitality industry, “Xenia 2018, an already established institution,” explained Mr Alexandros Vassilikos, President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (HCH), “contributes positively and productively to the promotion of quality, and for yet another year, it functions as a privileged field for knowledge, information, experience, technology applications, and solutions with a common denominator to upgrade the Greek tourism product in every way.”

Present at the opening ceremony were also Mr. K. Michalos –president of the Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industries & the Union of Hellenic Chambers–  Mr. G. Kavvathas -president of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, craftsmen & merchants (GSEVEE)-  Mr. G. Tasios -president of the Hellenic Hotel Federation– Ms. A. Chondromatidou –VP of the Greek National Tourism Organization – Ms. E. Kourneta – secretary general of Ministry of Tourism- and Mr. Μ. Konsolas –Head of Tourism sector of Nea Demokratia. At the end of the opening ceremony, the representatives of all institutional bodies, headed to C1 conference room in order to attend the 2nd International Hospitality Forum.


After the opening ceremony, Ms. Elena Kountoura visited the trade show, saw the impressive stands up close and had the chance to talk to exhibitors.