Xenia 2024 Highlights
Exhibitors List

All the global hospitality trends

Innovations and developments in the tourism industry will once again be at the center of the 2nd International Hospitality Forum by the HCH.

The 1st International Hospitality Forum, organized by the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, immediately succeeded in becoming an important institution for the Greek Tourism Industry. Its 2nd event will be held again at Xenia 2018, and is expected to attract all major executives of the Tourism industry. It also aspires to be a focal point for all the modern developments in the hospitality industry.


Top Greek and foreign experts spoke at the 1st International Hospitality Forum1. K. Bhattacharya, Travel blogger and Marketeer 2. R. Iorio / AccorHotels Italy, Greece, Israel & Malta 3. H. Bellos / Kathimerini 4. M. Mavropoulos / TUI Destination Services 5. Ch. Voulgaris, Vice President of Corfu Hoteliers’ Association

A top event for the hospitality industry

The innovations and developments in the Tourism Industry will once again be at the center of the International Hospitality Forum which, after its previous tremendous success and recognition from the industry, will take place during Xenia 2018. At this point we have to mention that the exhibition is also Gold Sponsor of this important event. The aim of the Forum will be to present the latest developments in the field of hospitality and hotel trends at an international level. Also, top foreign and Greek speakers from the tourism industry, the academic community and consulting companies will highlight the individual changes and developments that take place in the hotels and the tourist accommodation in general and how they affect the hospitality sector. The prestige of the speakers, the interesting presentations and the high organizational level led, as Minister of Tourism Elena Kountoura stated, “to make the 1st International Hospitality Forum a great initiative because it gives everyone the opportunity to set the right priorities for the next steps in the international tourist environment “. With the success of its first event, the 2nd International Hospitality Forum will be the top event for the Hotel Industry once again and will gather a great amount of hoteliers who wish to be informed, trained and want to enter their businesses in the new era!